Let’s Talk Communications – Ep 1: Perspective

Nov 23, 2023

“Good communication is just as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.”
Anne Morrow Lindbergh

No matter what kind of communication, we have to consider the different perspectives of our audiences. It’s so easy to get stuck in what we think we should tell them or just really, really want to tell them. Usually, this is because it’s something important to us and our organizations, but is it really serving your audience?

Introducing our new mini video blog series: Let’s Talk Communications. In this limited series, we share some of the things we’ve learned along the way that help organizations communicate better with their audiences. We also really like to have fun with video, so we invited professional Magician and Keynote Speaker, Dan Trommater to help illustrate how perspectives can impact how we create our communications and how thinking about it a little differently can help us communicate better. I hope you enjoy it!

Special thanks to Dan Trommater, you can find out more Dan and how he can help you challenge your assumptions at www.DanTrommater.com