


Ideas & inspiration for talking to your people


You can only say so much with a DM… 

Text works just fine for “Hey, how’s that project going?” but more complex messages require dynamic deliveries.  And with more and more people working remotely, in hybrid models, or maybe even spread out around the world, keeping everyone on the same page can get pretty darn tricky. 


Skills training, implementing new processes, enticing talent and building a vibrant work culture are all big challenges that need creative solutions. And guess what, video is the perfect solution! It’s demonstrative. It’s humanizing. It’s engaging. (And we think it can be pretty fun too!)
So, what we’ve gathered here is a collection of thoughts, inspirations and examples of ways to help communicate with your people better! Enjoy!!


Recruit Amazing Talent

 An organization is only as strong as its people, so how can you entice wonderful and talented folks to work with you?

– Testimonials from your team
– Show off your culture
– Speak about your values
– Describe what a best fit looks like

Here’s some examples :


 Drake International

We gave potential hires a peek into life working at Drake by combining interviews with team members about their experience and capturing real life “at work” moments around the office.

The Lesson? Show, don’t tell, why your office is a great place to work.


Life can get busy, especially at a start up, so to find out why the folks at ODAIA love what they do and their day to day experience we used the power of our online studio to interview in office and remote staff alike.  We added graphics and branding to elevate the interview footage and make things more compelling.

The Lesson?   Getting your people to tell their story doesn’t need to be complicated.

Help New Staff

Feel At Home

Getting new team members up to speed and comfortable in their positions is important not only to keep the wheels turning in your organization but also to help them feel empowered and competent in their work.  Here’s some examples :


While they already have a robust onboarding platform Chemtrade needed an easy to understand video to help new hires get the ball rolling and we did it without shooting a frame. With a combo of screenshots, animated infographics and a collection of photos and videos Chemtrade had on hand we crafted a welcoming message for people to start their journey.

The Lesson?  You can work with what you’ve got.



The easiest way to explain something is to show it in action and in this onboarding video we followed HBC employee “John” through a typical work shift to give new employees a detailed picture of their new position, step by step.

The Lesson?  Storytelling can help the viewer insert themselves into the learning by putting them in the main character’s shoes.

Level Up Your Team

Awesome teams never stop growing and evolving.  Upgrading  their knowledge with new skills, new ideas and new processes is so important!  Keep your team up to date on the latest and greatest in your industry and they’ll feel empowered, creative and inspired to create the next amazing initiative.

Pipe Line Contractors Association of Canada

Some work places can be dangerous and it’s critical employees are equipped with the right knowledge to keep themselves and their teammates out of harm’s way.  We used a simplified 3D animation style to recreate these dangerous situations in a way that illustrates the severity of their consequences without getting overly graphic.

The Lesson? Animation is powerful for illustrating challenging workplace situations.

Toyota University

We’ve been working with Toyota for over a decade to produce monthly tip videos that help level up their dealership sales teams. The regular release schedule not only keeps their learning and growth consistent but it also makes sure their teams are always up to date with the latest and greatest in their industry.

The Lesson?  Ongoing learning is a powerful way to keep teams innovative and inspired.

Celebrate Your People!

Your people are doing amazing things!  They’re achieving greatness in your industry and innovating it into the future. That’s the kind of thing that deserves a celebration!
Video is a great way to share your successes for all to see and let your people know it’s getting noticed.   You can show people in different departments the cool stuff their colleagues are up to and even include them in the production of the video as a team building exercise.  Let them know how rad they are with a fun and morale boosting message!

 Ontario Trillium Foundation

OTF wanted to take stock of the ways they give back beyond the regular work they do in communities. 

The Lesson?   Celebrate and encourage your values!


After a year of massive growth and change ODAIA didn’t want its staff to think their amazing work was going unnoticed. So, we produced this fun year-end wrap up to share with their remote team and celebrate their accomplishments!

The Lesson?   Celebrate and encourage your team’s accomplishments!